Monday, February 21, 2005

Is It My School?

I found this picture of Narashino High, but I'm not sure if that's where I'm going to school yet. From what I've heard though, Narashino is a fairly athletic place. It'll be exciting to know if this is the school I'm going to or not ^_^

Friday, February 18, 2005

Here's a wonderful map so everyone can see where I'm headed. Honshu is the main island of Japan. Also Chiba is just the prefecture, the city I'll be in is Narashino.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

36 days 10 hours 49 minutes remaining

I'm not excited about my trip or anything. By the way I didn't calculate the count down, my phone has a countdown function on it (let it do the math). With the big day approaching my destination is becoming clearer. I've got all my shots, painful as it was ;p Now all that's left is to get my visa. I'm waiting on a letter that'll have the rest of the information I need to fill out the visa form and hopefully some more info on my family. All I have now is something that says they like soccer, movies, shopping, music, and long walks on the beach. Just kidding about the last part, I think. Chiba is by the ocean, right across the bay from Tokyo. I can't recall the exact city right now. And while I'm kind of on the topic of my family, I still haven't been able to get a hold of them on the tele. If you're super shy like me, well tough luck. Each time I call the phone rings (a diff. ring than the states O_o ) and their machine picks up and says something I totally don't understand. Ahh!! Motto: 'I think I can I think I can'. It doesn't help that I'm not very confident in my script (hey everyone needs a script once in a while...) written in extremely imperfect Japanese. I think I got the part down where I say 'bai' and hang up the phone!
Ja ne! (later)