Friday, May 06, 2005


So, today was back to school. Golden Week has passed and I have school tomorrow, a Saturday. The weather was perfect over break but now it has turned on me and my uniform, namely the skirt. Anyway, over break I got to go to Tokyo Bay near Makuhari. It was my first time going to the beach in Japan and it was amazing. Of course I rolled up my pants and got in! Otosan asked if I could see America (we’re about the same latitude) and I said ‘of course’! There were a few people smiling at the foreigner in the water. Come to think of it, I was the only one in the water. Hmm… In danger of being eaten by Godzilla? A little souvenir from that trip was a nice farmer’s tan complete with bands from my watch and bracelet. I also rode my bike to a wet lands near Kasumi. There were a few cranes wadding in the water and some other birds. The translation for seagull in Japanese is ‘seacat’, just thought you should know!
My friend at school who went to Italy is back. She had a really good time and will be bringing in pictures soon. She brought in some Italian magazines that were full of American actors and panty ads.
Oh! Just remembered, we had a barbecue two days ago. It was really good. I had barbecued cabbage, anyone else tried that? And we roasted strange little Japanese marshmallows over the coals. Marshmallows taste good in any country! One last note before leaving, my host family was really surprised when I told them we have haha no hi, mother’s day, in America too. I had always just assumed it was an American holiday. There’s a revelation for all of us.


Anonymous said...

AP tests are OVER! my brain is all jello-y right know (is that how you spell jello-y or is it Jell-oy, I'm not sure)I get to do a report in chemistry on what goes into a cheeto!(thiamin,anyone?)I found out that Dunkin can get you Lost in DVD form (is that how you spell Dunkin? I know thats how they spell it in Dunkin Doughnuts) so if your family has a DVD player life would be easier to ship.(On the latest episode we find out that Siyid (?) had a friend who commited suicide and it was all his fault (Dum dum dummmm!)any way now that tests are over Mrs Prince is letting us run free(ish) in the classroom (yay!) I doubt Hanson will do the same but he has to give us today off right?
anyway good luck fighting off the pickle police (although most pickles are good some pickler out there should be charged with cruelty to vegetables for those nasty ones)
Bye for now!

Anonymous said...

Hana!! Ogenki desu ka? Its me! The ever so annoying JBG! Sundays aren't so good anymore to get together! How about a Saturday after school? Sensei Levitt wants to here from you so send him an email when ever you can. Where is your next host family? When do you move? wow the barbecue sounds so yummy! We miss you here and hope you're having fun *duh*. Have you gotten into the judo club yet? Judo here is still fun, but since Arnold, Jerry, Sean, KK, and big Evan don't show up constantly, I have to go with senseis and the new kid Josh. I learning harigoshi now, so watch out! ^^ jk. sakuramatsuri will be fun and I'll take a lot of pictures and send them to you! I miss you and so does Bunty! n_n


Hannah said...

I can see the jelloness taking its toll ;p Tell Duncan to make me the DVD! But you should ask him if he can make it regionless. Lost lost lost! I got a chance to watch the recap video on the website, so exciting! And Locke, what a creepy guy. You know, they have Dunkin Donuts here but they've all been hiding from me. I went to a Mister Donuts though! Misudo for short. I tried their apple pie and a honey dipped donut, heavenly! So it's almost summer break in CO! Freedom ne? Send me some good weather if you ever get any! It's cold here! Hey, who sits in my desk in Hanson's now? Yes, 'Hannah's Desk'. Bai!

Hullo hullo! You better take some pictures of the festival for me! I miss it a lot! Doing the self defense bit and all! I bet more people will start showing up now that summer break is nearing. Lunch time now! I miss everyone! Wirte more tomorrow, k!

krrrrristin said...

don't pull a marilyn on the subway pervs, love. that's what they want. yield your hoodie.