Monday, June 20, 2005

I've got tid bits...

Oh, tid bits do I have!
Today I was watching TV with my sister at dinner, her favorite drama ‘Fight’. The main character was presenting a gift basket to an older friend and said in Japanese ‘here are some jellies’. Well they showed the front of the box and on it in large lettering it said ‘desert jerrys’. I couldn’t help but laugh, jerry instead of jelly! I just pictured little man shaped jellies. And desert instead of dessert. No one will ever notice, right?
On Sunday I went out to Chiba-shi and saw an interesting thing. You know when you enter the highway on the clover shaped ramps they sometimes have a circle of land with trees? Well there was one of those on the way and three little old men were using it as a golf course. The grass was crazy, the area was small, and there were a bunch of trees. But I guess it beats paying an arm and a leg for golf on a rooftop somewhere… I guess.
Does anyone remember that Dove commercial they played for awhile in the states where a bunch of women were wearing blonde wigs until they all gathered to celebrate their uniqueness by throwing off the fake hair and revealing their own? Well, they played it here for awhile until they made a Japanese version. But what gets me is when they throw of all of the same color blonde wigs to reveal everyone has the same black color hair underneath. I don’t know, I found it amusing.
I found out what a 4 inch tall bottle of milk costing about $2.10 tastes like… milk.
Sunday was the reopening of the line where the big crash in April happened. They ran a train by the complex slowly so that the passengers could properly honor those who passed.
There was a pretty decent earthquake at 1:30 last night. But when I looked over and saw my host sisters dead asleep I thought I must have been dreaming. So I sat there in what I thought was a dream thinking for some reason ‘gee it wouldn’t be so bad if this house fell over because I’m so comfy in bed’.
That deserves a random award.
Bye everyone!


Hannah said...

Oh no! I'm sending rain and a napkin, I think you'll need that after getting your teeth pulled. ooOOOooOOo give me the chills! Someday we'll just have to tell them the harsh truth, stop messing with my teeth you'll never be a real tooth fairy! Oh, everyone happy summer by the way! 夏至, geshi, in Japanese. A happy, humid, hair puffing summer. Today I looked like the cowardly lion after a wash and a ride in the dryer.

Hannah said...

Katie, you're my hero! You survived the evilness of molar removal! Just don't let Lilli pinch your cheeks now ;) I wanna watch Shrek! I wear my shirt with Puss n Boots on it a lot, he's so cute! I totally just forgot his name in Japanese, but it's something strange. Oh I read this funny article (I can't remember where) but it was all about how there is a baby boom in the US after all of those really bad storms in florida and stuff. But I don't know about Colorado... We're just a special state!!!
Now I'm going to go write a post about my average day just for you!!!