Sunday, July 31, 2005

More informative randomness

Okay everyone, let’s take a moment to appreciate some of the events of yesterday!
First of all I got to play with Aibo, super intelligent Sony robot dog (cute too). He was roaming the floor of a Sony Lifestyle store the other day in Tokyo. He has sensors everywhere and acts just like a puppy! I’m guessing Sony realized that if they made an Aibo cat it would, obviously, be too smart and take over the world or something. Then they’d make a movie ‘I Catbot’ et cetera et cetera.
My second monumental event yesterday occurred at a pet store in the rodent and giant disgusting bug aisle. They had a prairie dog! It was the cutest little thing and it had a little pudgy tummy. He was very intent on escape. As were the aforementioned… insects. They’re really popular here with little kids. They even have a Pokemon-like game called ‘Mushi Kingu’ (bug king). And I’ll have to run away if it catches on like Pokemon did in the states.And last and most specialist of all! I saw the next, in probably an endless evolution, of the Playstation consoles, the PSX. It was so cute! Anyway, it’s lunch time and it’s one of my favorites!


Anonymous said...

Hey Hannah It's Ramon I just got your site from Lilli and decided to check up on you. I heard there was a massive earthquake outside of Tokyo, and I was worried about you. I read your other posts and it sounds like your having fun out there... I wish I could go, but I'm going backpacking trough Europe next summer and I have to save for that. I know you met the robo-dog, but did ya get to meet the robo-lady? I saw her on the news and she looks awesome, they say it takes an average of 20 min. for people to realize she's not real. Well it's 1:30 in the morning and I just got off work, I have to go register for school in the morning so I'm gonna say good night and write back.

Hannah said...

Ramon, hey!! I was in Tokyo when that earthquake happened, it was really exciting. It's the weirdest sensation because your legs just kind of move around without you and the buildings sway.
Have fun registering everyone, really good luck! I'm not the least bit sad about missing that.
My family is awesome! Yesterday my host mom took me to some fireworks that lasted an hour. They had a ducky shaped firework!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hannah, good to know your okay, sounds cool being in a swaying building, although I bet Tokyo is used to it by now. I was wondering if I wired you like $50 if you would buy me some swords or somethin and mail them to me...if ya can't don't worry. If so, I'll get your address.

Anonymous said...

hana! its me! I;m alive! I just got back from Hawaii, from a family reunion. There were some japanese kids(relatives) there who were interested in you (the fact that you're and exchange student) and judo and BUnty and other randomish things. anyway, how are you? How's your new family? Hows judo going? I am beginning to learn harigoshi/uchimata. super tough when you get to work with your stupid freakin bro...


Hannah said...

Hawaii! I wanna go too! Beach... beach!!! Was the weather nice? I'm sleepy but good! And Judo is on break for another couple of days (which is good because I have an evilish sunburn to heal!)
Ramon, I suggest you ambush Nan Desu Kan in september. They've always had a booth selling katanas and various pointy things there. Shipping costs for a sword would be expensive.
Katopotato, aren't those little Howl's fire things cute! but not as much as the dust balls. I haven't seen the movie yet but I went to a Ghibli store and saw the Howl's stuff. I heard from some people here that it wasn't good, but I couldn't believe them and now I know it's not true, right!? oh, i'll give you the address for my 5 month stay when I get it at the end of the month.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hannah, I forgot about that, Are they made in Japan? because that's what I was aiming for... oh well I'll go get stabby thingys here in september. Well I'm off