Saturday, November 05, 2005


Anonymous said...

hey, i just watched your little interwiew thingie on nicknews, im 12 years old and my name is sarah! please e-mail me! i want to learn about your trip!it sounds so cool!
my email is

Cads said...

saw your interview on nick while surfing on a sunday night. your blog reminds me of time i spent in korea (also in my blog). can't wait to read your post-japan posts about japan.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hannah(that's my best friends name), I saw you on nicknews and thought I'd look up your blog. I think it's really cool you're living in Japan right now, I love Jump5 sooooooooo much. I started liking it by the anime(isn't that the same way you did) then my the music and now I want to go over there sooooo bad to see what it's like. If you dont mind can you e-mail me please(I'd like to get to know you and maybe become your friend since it sounds like we have some stuff in commen), (that's my e-mail adderas). hope you hear from you soon. bye

habbojournal said...

Salut, Hannah je suis Simon que l'amour Japon d'I peut vous parler français mon isnt anglais ce bon espoir tellement bon de I de vous parler bientôt l'email je Lol. - _ -

habbojournal said...

こんにちは、Hannah 私はサイモンであるI 愛日本がそのよいそう健康私がすぐにE-メールを送る私にLol あなたに話すことを望む私の英国のisnt フランス語を話すことができる。- _ -