Saturday, May 14, 2005

Take me to China town!

I went yesterday and it was really yummy! We drove out there, it took about an hour from Narashino. I saw Cinderella Castle on the way. We met my host mom’s brother and his wife and uber adorable kids. I attempted to play a Japanese version of The Game of Life, but somehow I ended up with four children! About lunch time we headed down to China Town. It was really amazing. We saw this Chinese temple that was covered in all sorts of ornate mosaic like dragons. The food in Yokohama is SO good. I had chahan for lunch with some corn soup and mobudo, I think that’s what it’s called, it’s a tofu dish. We had an hour to wander around while the little cousins went to English classes. They’re ages 4 and 8 by the way. So we spent the hour walking down a famous fashion street in Yokohama. It was really more like an import goods street. They had Gap, and Godiva chocolate, and a Ty beanie baby store. They also had a grocery store that carried American products, even American pet food. My host family bought some Snoopy Bounty paper towels. Everything was really pricey, I’d say about double what it is in the states. I saw Betty Crocker cake mix again and still no frosting! How can you make a cake without frosting. I had to explain to my host sister what frosting was. We did get a brownie mix though. Anyway, after that we had ice cream. I had vanilla but I got to try ice cream made from bamboo and even ice cream with shark fin shavings on it. They were all yummy (vanilla is still the best). Once we were all good and full we went to CostCo. The Aunt and Uncle are members so it was my family’s first time going in. I swear it smelled like America, whatever that means… Anyway they had snickers and jelly belly’s and American style cakes (with frosting) and oxy clean, all the essentials. Even yummy Club crackers ^_^ We had dinner at the in store food spot. We all got hot dogs. I thought my host father was gonna fall out of his seat when he saw my hotdog with only ketchup! I looked around and all of their hotdogs (I think they were there somewhere) where literally buried under mounds of sauerkraut, onions, relish, and mustard and ketchup. It was quite funny, I promise. I told them there are lots of people who eat hotdogs with only ketchup or few other things, right??!!
Well that’s all today. Chicken and garlic bread from CostCo for lunch today, yum!


Anonymous said...

Wow! it sounds like So much fun. This is JBG!! Judo is fine, by the way have you gone to a CD store yet? Can you get me the Yoshi Eternal Melody 2 CD? Where are you moving to for your next host family? When is a good time to meet up with you and go shopping and stuff? Bunty had these huge blood pockets in his ears about a week ago and so he had to go to the vet. He is better now and has drains in his ears to get the remaining things out. For a while he looked like a flop ear. n_n how have you been? How's school? How are you doing with learning Japanese in context? What have you been up to besides the things you post? I miss getting to practice with you. Don't pass me up too quick in belt ranks ok? n_n wow. this comment is long, o well. talk to you later buddy!


Anonymous said...

About the CD...its called YoshiKI Eternal Melody 2. gomenasai! By the way, I'm in japan from the 2oth of june to about the 3rd of july. so let me know where you are going and a good day to get together. ja mata ne!

Anonymous said...

ahhh, GOMENASAI! where is China Town and Yokohama??? What prefecture? How would we get there from either the Nagoya, Tokyo, or kyoto area? We have the JR train pass, so what stations would we get off at and stuff?

ja ne

Anonymous said...

I went to costco on Saturday too! (a little twilight zone-ish don't ya think?)I didn't even know that there were costcos in japan (very odd) what was this one like, was it huge like the ones over here? did they offer you lots of samples? I rember going to a Japanese GAP in the middle of tokyo that looked exactly like the ones here except for the different (and much higher)price tag.
soo weird!

Hannah said...

Hey Kel. We drove to Yokpohama. I think on a map it wouldn't be to far away from Narashino, Chiba. I'm pretty positive that there is a JR line that stops right in Yokohama. JR passes are nice ^_^! A lot of stuff is still up in the air, I probably wont find out for another months or so. I'll keep ya updated.
sugoi twilight zone! I think that the Japanese one is probably the same! Samples galore (thank you!) I had Club Crackers! Some of the candy was Japanese though. And the uh hot dogs weren't 'American'. I went by the Gap in Yokohama, but I can imagine those big fat pricetags!
Wow, dinner time!

krrrrristin said...

yay for costco! the comforts of american bulk shopping at japanese convienince. sweeet beans, dear.

Anonymous said...

Hannah! your road trip sounds like tons of fun. I can't even imagine how getting to go to costco must have mad eyou feel! DO you know when you're going to your next family yet? do you know anything about them?
Things here have been mostly super, final projects have made everyone crazy! Last night was awards and commencement. Lilli got the Junior community service award and zach go junnior internationalist. BLanca and Kelly shared senior internationalist. It was really nice. Miss ya, but it sounds SWEET! Take care.
Love always,

Hannah said...

CostCo was pretty cool. I have two classmates who always go there so I mooch Doritos and Fritos off of them! There were a lot of foreigners too. It's the weirdest thing seeing other gaijin in Japan because we always stand out so much! Congrats everyone on your awards!!! Who got the outstanding junior award? ;P Oh, and someone sent me hot weather, who was it! I think the humidity is going to give me a permanent afro! And wait wait, who are you? I feel smart! By everyone!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry my computer was stupid and my name didn't show, its Eliana sorry again. And Zach go Junior Internationalist! GO him! anyways, forry for tyhe mix up. Take care